On this page you will find downloadable .mp3s of:
The six talks which make up the HPS Foundational Series: Sense of Being, Image of Father, Confession, Forgiveness, Shame and Self-acceptance;
Talks from recent HPS events (For streamed video, go to the Videos page);
Talks on topics in Lin’s books: Mother Matters, Father Matters and Sorry Matters;
Talks on other selected topics.
At the moment, we do not support audio streaming from the website. When you purchase an audio recording, you receive a link to download the entire .mp3 file. This is why we recommend downloading and saving to a desktop or laptop computer, as smart phones and tablets may not be set up to download and save .mp3 files [*But see note below].
Once you have completed your audio recording purchases, you will receive an email with links to download the talks you have selected to your computer (one link for each). We suggest you do this as soon as you can, but each link remains valid until you first use it to download. Once you have downloaded an .mp3 file, the link to download it expires after 24 hours, so it is important to save the file.
*Direct download to a smart phone or tablet is possible by first installing a free "browse, download and play" app such as Readdle's Documents. Copy the download link from the email and paste it into the browser of the app. Once the .mp3 file has downloaded, it can be played from where it is saved [in the "Downloads" folder of the app].