9:30 AM09:30

"In the beginning" - Ministry and training Day at St. Andrew's Church, Woodford Green

This is the first of three ministry and training days to be held at St. Andrews. We are going to combine teaching and receiving ministry along with a session of training, including notes.

The day is for those wishing to continue their own transformation whilst helping others. To be effective ministers, we cannot give away that which we haven't received.

The theme is “In the beginning” and we will be exploring our beginnings under the following headings: In the garden and the Fall; Our own beginning; Understanding separation anxiety and its effects. The final session will be a training session, which will include Lin’s training handouts and time for Q&A.

Timings: Registration and coffee at 09:30 for a 10:00 start. The day will finish at 16:30.

The cost for the day will be £40.00 and will include drinks. Please bring a packed lunch.

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to Apr 4

"The Father's Voice" - Residential Retreat in Poole, Dorset

  • The Greenhouse Christian Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In Genesis, we read that the Lord walked in the garden with Adam and Eve at the time of the evening breeze. In Isaiah, we are invited to talk things over. In the Gospels, we read of God’s voice blessing his Son, and in Revelation, we are told a voice from the throne said, “I will make all things new”.

The pages of Scripture are alive with the Father’s voice; His roar, His lullaby, His still small voice, all inviting us into a relationship with Him. However in order to experience all the Father has for us and be able to hear Him we need to look at our childhood wounds, any barriers of shame, our lack of self acceptance and understand our identity. Come and join us as together we explore how to hear Him more clearly.

This is a residential retreat over 5 days and should be booked directly with The Greenhouse Christian Centre.

Website for further information and booking:

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to May 2

"Jesus is the Bread of Life" - 5-day conference at All Saints' Church, Woodford Wells

  • All Saints Woodford Wells (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The 5 day conference will be exploring Jesus being our bread of life and what this means. This bread sustains us so that we can experience the abundant life Jesus offers. We will learn what the barriers are to living like this and receive healing and release.

Brokenness - Restored - Eternal - Attachment to the Divine

The conference will be held from Monday, April 28 to Friday, May 2 2025. It will consist of afternoon and evening sessions only. If you are able, you will benefit the most from attending all five days. There is a discounted rate for booking the full conference and this will also entitle you to free audio recordings.

Themes for the week:

Monday: “In Him was life”.

Tuesday: “Life in all its fullness”.

Wednesday: “He took our shame”.

Thursday: “Give us this day our daily bread”.

Friday: “Practising the presence of God”.

Timings: Afternoons Monday - Thursday: Registration from 12:30pm; start at 1:00pm; finish at 5:00pm

Friday afternoon only: Registration from 12:30pm; start at 1:00pm; finish at 4:30pm.

NOTE: Attendance at any session Monday to Thursday entitles you to attend on Friday afternoon at no extra charge. You will not be able to book just for Friday afternoon.

Evenings Monday - Thursday: Registration from 7:00pm; finish at 9:30pm.

Cost: £200 for full conference

One day (afternoon & evening) £50

Evening only £25

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to May 17

"The House of God" - HPS 4 day event at Verso Vineyard Church, St Albans

  • Verso Vineyard Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This event will be hosted by Verso Vineyard Church, St. Albans.

The theme will be: The House of God - from the valley of shame to the hall of faith.

The bible is full of stories of men and women having troubled beginnings in life. Of sinning and being sinned against - and yet, becoming all that God intended for them.

We are no different - we need God’s healing and release to be able to live well in the Father’s House.

Conference days: Wednesday evening only; Thursday afternoon and evening; Friday afternoon and evening, Saturday morning and afternoon.

Timing: Evening sessions will be from 7:30pm - 9:30 pm (registration from 7:00pm)

Afternoon sessions 2:00pm - 5:00pm (registration from 1:30pm)

Saturday 9:30am - 4:00 pm (registration from 9:00am)

Further information and booking details to follow.

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9:30 AM09:30

"God as Father" - Ministry and Training Day at St. Andrew's Church, Woodford Green

In this second ministry and training day at St Andrews we will be exploring the theme of God as Father. We are going to combine teaching and receiving ministry along with a session of training, including notes.

The day is for those wishing to continue their own transformation whilst helping others. To be effective ministers, we cannot give away that which we haven't received.

The final session will be a training session, which will include Lin’s training handouts and time for Q&A.

Timings: Registration and coffee at 09:30 for a 10:00 start. The day will finish at 16:30.

The cost for the day will be £40.00 and will include drinks. Please bring a packed lunch.

Online booking link to follow.

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9:30 AM09:30

"The amazing power of forgiveness" - Ministry and Training Day at St. Andrew's Church, Woodford Green

In this third ministry and training day at St Andrews, we will be exploring the theme of forgiveness. We are going to combine teaching and receiving ministry along with a session of training, including notes.

The day is for those wishing to continue their own transformation whilst helping others. To be effective ministers, we cannot give away that which we haven't received.

The final session will be a training session, which will include Lin’s training handouts and time for Q&A.

Timings: Registration and coffee at 09:30 for a 10:00 start. The day will finish at 16:30.

The cost for the day will be £40.00 and will include drinks. Please bring a packed lunch.

Online booking link to follow.

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to Jan 16

"Freedom from": Online conference over 3 evenings

Galatians 5:1, "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery."

This online mini-conference will be held on Zoom over three consecutive evenings: Tuesday 14 January, Wednesday 15 January and Thursday 16 January 2025, from 7.30pm to 9.30pm London time [GMT].

So many things imprison us such as addictions, fantasy, worry, fear, negativity and hopelessness. Over these evenings we'll explore what are our yokes of slavery.

 Each evening will include worship, teaching and ministry all together.

Cost: £25 per evening. Two people may share a screen for a single registration of £25.

PLEASE NOTE: Booking for these three evenings will close on Monday 13 January at 12:00 mid-day.

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10:00 AM10:00

"Entering Our Rest - The Heartbeat of God" One day event for Church Leaders

HPS is hosting a special one day conference exclusively for church leaders in full or part-time ministry. 

This will be a day of exploring how we can experience the unforced rhythms of grace in the busyness of leadership. It will be held at All Saints Church, Woodford Wells, on Saturday 16 November 2024, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Hebrews 12:1-2 - “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross,scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God”.

In order to run the race set before us we need to experience continuous internal rest. To continue with perseverance requires more than lifestyle changes. This day will explore some of the “rest robbers."

Session 1 - Entering into God's rest - how anxiety , worry and restless activity steal our rest. As an antidote, what gives us joy? Feeds our soul ?
Session 2 - Different members of the team will explore what rest looks like for them.
Session 3 - Creativity, listening and meditation.
Session 4 - The ‘Road Less Travelled’. Running the marathon race with perseverance and hope.

COST: £10 which will include a complimentary copy of one of Lin’s books. You can choose which title, including her soon-to-be-published new book, “Rest Matters”.

Drinks will be provided. You can bring a packed lunch or there are shops nearby.

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10:00 AM10:00

"Life in the slow lane" One day conference, St. Albans

At the heart of learning to rest is the gift of living in God’s presence. This conference will help us be aware of some of our “rest-robbers”; those things that hinder us from reaching or maintaining that place of rest, including anxiety and holding on to unhelpful scripts from the past.

The conference will be held at Verso Vineyard Church, St. Albans.

Drinks will be provided, but you will need to bring a packed lunch.

Cost: £40

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to Aug 1

"Healing of the will" Online conference over 2 evenings.

Understanding how our wills are wounded or distorted is central to our spiritual growth. These two evenings are not about "willpower", but the healing of our will.

This online mini-conference will cover how we live in God's will, healing from striving, sloth and emotional dependence.

lt will be held on Zoom and take place over two Thursday evenings and will include worship, teaching and prayer ministry to all participants together.

Couples may share a screen on a single booking.


25th July 2024 - 7.30pm to 9.30pm Part 1

1st August 2024 - 7.30pm to 9.30pm Part 2

Please note: Booking will close for Part 1 on Wednesday 24th July at midnight, and will close for Part 2 on Wednesday 31st July at midnight.

COST: £25 per evening

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to May 11


  • Verso Vineyard Church St Albans (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The conference’s theme is “God’s River of Life”.

The Bible begins with an earthly Eden and an earthly river (Gen. 2:10-14) and ends with a Heavenly Eden and a Heavenly river (Rev. 22:1-2). Both signify abundant life flowing from the very seat of His Presence, the place He inhabits and reigns, towards His people.

We need this living water to revive and sustain us. In this conference, we will explore how to go deeper into God’s River, and to drink from it to receive more of His life, healing, transformation, and joy.

This event will be hosted by Verso Vineyard Church, St. Albans.

The evening sessions will be from 7:30pm - 9:30 pm (registration from 7:00pm)

Afternoon sessions 2:00pm - 5:00pm (registration from 1:30pm)

Saturday 9:30am - 4:00 pm (registration from 9:00am)

Verso Vineyard Church are handling the bookings for this event. For costs and online booking, click on the button below.

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to Apr 26

"Christ Within, the Hope of Glory" - Residential retreat in Poole, Dorset

  • The Greenhouse Christian Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Jesus comes to heal the broken-hearted and set the captives free. This is usually a transformation from our innermost being so that we’re set free from past wounds and the lies we believe about ourselves and we learn to become all God has called us to be.

This is a residential retreat over 5 days and should be booked directly with The Greenhouse Christian Centre. Exact timings to be confirmed.

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to Apr 12


This five-day event from Monday, April 8 to Friday, April 12 will consist of afternoon and evening sessions only.

In Genesis, we read that the Lord walked in the garden with Adam and Eve at the time of the evening breeze. In Isaiah, we are invited to talk things over. In the Gospels, we read of God's voice blessing his Son, and in Revelation, we are told a voice from the throne said, "I will make all things new".
The pages of scripture are alive with the Father's voice; His  roar, His lullaby, His still small voice, all inviting us into a relationship with Him.
Come and join us as together we explore how to hear Him more clearly.

TIMINGS: Monday registration 12:30pm. Evening registration 7.30pm.

All afternoon sessions 1:00pm:-5.00pm. Evening sessions Monday-Thursday 7:30pm-9:30pm. There will be no evening session on Friday.

Monday afternoon - Listening to God. How we listen and what image we have of Him

Monday evening - Hearing God’s voice

Tuesday afternoon - “Only connect”. Sense of being, connection and separation; waiting well

Tuesday evening - Self- acceptance

Wednesday afternoon - The gifts of confession & forgiveness. Blocks to receiving forgiveness

Wednesday evening - Coming out of hiding. Being authentic

Thursday afternoon - Freedom from shame

Thursday evening - Freedom from slavery

Friday afternoon - Who do we think we are? identity, belonging and becoming

COST: Whole week £180.

Per day (ie afternoon & evening) £45. (It isn’t possible to book for an afternoon only)

Evening only £20.

The event will include worship and opportunities for prayer ministry.
Note: the event will be audio-recorded but will not be video-recorded or live-streamed.

If you book in to attend the HPS “The Father’s Voice” conference, you will be eligible to take part in free optional extra “Creativity & Healing” Art Therapy workshops on Wednesday 10th & Thursday 11th April, 10am-12pm in the Atrium.

The workshops are being run by Rachel Oxborough, Art Psychotherapist, from “ColourMeIn Wellbeing” and Tibaba (Tibz) Adeniyi, Worship & Creative Pastor at All Saints Woodford Wells. Background information can be found here:

You will need to book separately for these workshops and more details, including booking information, will be sent about 2 weeks before the conference.

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to Feb 22


A one evening a week online (Zoom) training course over 3 Thursday evenings. It is suitable for anyone wishing to learn more about healing prayer in order to help others on their healing journey. As well as an invitation to leaders , prayer ministers and small group leaders, If praying with others is something you want to do but believe it is too hard or difficult this course is also for you. Each evening will consist of worship, teaching, practical demonstrations and Q&A.

Week 1: Thursday 8 February 2024.  7:50pm - 9.30pm. Attachment. How to recognize signs of insecure or non-attachment and how this affects our relationship with God.

Week 2: Thursday 15 February 2024. 7:50pm - 9:30pm. Welcomed. God always welcomes us. Understanding how feelings of rejection and not being eligible affects this truth.

Week 3: Thursday 22 February 2024.  7:50pm - 9:30pm. Secure in the Father's Love. How to help people overcome early childhood wounds.

The cost will be £15 per session. (Couples may share a screen for a single fee.)


If you have any queries, please email Becky at

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9:30 AM09:30

"Remember the former things" - One day conference at All Saints, Woodford Wells

It's said, "We remember the things we need to forget and forget the things we need to remember."

This conference will be looking at how to remember with faith all the good things God has done. Then, with increased trust, we can look at pain, humiliating memories and all the brokenness of our past. From this place we can use - like Nehemiah - the rubble of the past to build the future and find how to return to the ancient paths.

This one-day conference will be made up of worship, talks and prayer ministry.


0930 Registration & coffee

1000 Welcome & worship

1030 Session 1 - Remembering God’s love

1145 Session 2 - Lamenting

1415 Session 3 - Confession & Forgiveness

1530 Session 4 - Thanksgiving & Communion

1630 Day ends

Cost: £20.00. Drinks will be provided. Please bring a packed lunch, or there are shops nearby.

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to Sep 22

HOPE - Online mini-conference over 4 evenings

This online mini-conference will be held on Zoom on Monday 18th, Tuesday 19th, Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd September from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. The theme is HOPE. There will be worship, talks and opportunities for prayer in small groups in breakout rooms.


Monday 18th September: Hope after exhaustion

Tuesday 19th September: Hope after loss

Thursday 21st September: Hope after abuse

Friday 22nd September: Hope after failure

Cost: The cost to attend each evening is £10.00.

Please note: booking will close at midnight on Sunday 17th September.


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10:00 AM10:00


Isolated? Disappointed? In need of a refreshing and renewing touch from the Lord?  HPS is hosting a special one day conference exclusively for those in full or part-time ministry.  The pressures on leaders during and since the pandemic have been extreme, so Lin and the team want to help leaders understand how they  have been affected and offer deep and refreshing ministry to all who are weary. This day will help you to reconnect with God, yourself and others.

It will be held at All Saints Church, Woodford Wells, on 11 July 2023, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.

PROGRAMME: to follow.

Drinks will be provided. You can bring a packed lunch or there are shops nearby.

COST: The day is free to attend, but a donation to HPS would be welcome.

Click to make a donation to HPS
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to Jun 9

"HEARING THE FATHER'S VOICE": HPS at Lee Abbey, Lynton, North Devon

This week we will be exploring the different ways in which God speaks, as well as hearing stories of how He has spoken up to now. We will also look at our heart images of God, and at the barriers to hearing HIm, with the goal of being able to hear Him for ourselves as He speaks to us in our everyday, ordinary lives.

This is a five day residential conference (including full board) at Lee Abbey and costs between £340 and £420 per person depending on accommodation chosen.

For further information and booking please follow the link to the Lee Abbey website:

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to May 20

"Christ within, the hope of Glory" - HPS event at The Vineyard Church, St. Albans

  • Vineyard Church St Albans (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

“Christ within, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27.) Paul calls it a divine mystery that Christ indwells us and with that we have a chest of treasures of hope . By inference we are light bearers , Christ carriers . The conference will be exploring why this isn't always evident. Where emotional neglect leads to a small appetite for God or where shame causes us to hide " our treasure " We will also look at how anxiety and fear of abandonment stop us being an anxious free presence to others. We need to come out of hiding and stop believing lies.

This event will be hosted by The Vineyard Church, St. Albans.

The evening sessions will be from 7:30pm - 9:30 pm (registration from 7:00pm)

Afternoon sessions 2:00pm - 5:00pm (registration from 1:30pm)

Saturday 9:30am - 4:00 pm (registration from 9:00am)


Wednesday evening: “Christ within the hope of glory” - Introduction

Thursday afternoon: Freedom from emotional neglect; Freedom from other gods

Thursday evening: Freedom from shame

Friday afternoon: From abandonment to hope; From anxiety to waiting well

Friday evening; Living in harmony

Saturday: No more hiding; No more fantasy; No more believing lies; Living in everyday ordinary

Costs: full event: £85, a single evening or afternoon session £15, combined afternoon and evening (Thursday or Friday) £25, Saturday (all day) £25.

Vineyard Church are handling the bookings for the event. Please click the button below to sign up.

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to Apr 21


Hidden still in winter, rumours and hints of spring can be seen in our landscape. Likewise as we grow we become more visible. The transforming , healing presence of the Holy Spirit brings change in us . We begin to know we are known to God. Then we begin to allow ourselves to be known to others. We show and tell. “Ever increasing Glory” (2 Corinthians 3:18 NIV) is the theme of this 5-day conference.

This “in-person” event takes place from Monday, April 17 to Friday, April 21 and will consist of morning and afternoon sessions only. Registration for each day will be at 9am, with the programme starting at 9.30am and finishing at 5pm. The event will include opportunities for worship and prayer ministry. Note: the event will not be video-recorded or live-streamed.


Monday: Introduction; Hiding (Part 1&2) ; Shame

Tuesday: Hiding in suffering; Hiding from love; Freedom through confession; Freedom to be ourselves

Wednesday: Freedom from others’ expectations; Freedom from deprivation; Freedom from the father wound; Free to set boundaries

Thursday: Freedom from fantasy; Healing of the will (Part 1&2); Hearing the Father’s voice:

Friday: Hope; Desire; Creativity; Communion

COST: £180 for the whole week (this will include free access to the MP3 audio recordings when they are available); £45 per day (it will not be possible to book for half a day)


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9:30 AM09:30



9.30-10.00: Registration & welcome

10.00-11.30: Session 1: Listening to God

11.30-11.45: Coffee break

11.45-13.00: Session 2: Discover our identity

13.00-14.00: Lunch

14.00-15.15: Session 3 Desire

15.15-15.30: Coffee break

15.30-16.30: Session 4: Hope

COST: £15 including lunch.

STC Sheffield are handling bookings for this event. Booking closes at noon on 11 March. Click on the button below to book. Contact:

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9:45 AM09:45

"IDENTITY" - Healing Ministry Day at Mulberry House, Ongar, Essex

This event is for men and women, and will be held at Mulberry House on Tuesday 14th March 2023 from 10.15am to 2pm (coffee from 9.45am).

The event will be about our Identity. "Who do you think you are?" and will look at our true inheritance as Christians and examine some of our barriers to living in this truth.

The day will start with coffee/tea from 9.45am with the meeting starting at 10.15am.

Cost: £26.50 per person, which includes a 2 course lunch at 1.15pm.

You are welcome to leave after lunch or stay on for quiet time, or to relax and reflect in Mulberry House’s Pastoral Room. For further information and how to book a place, please visit the NCT website at

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to Feb 11

"Ancient of Days" - Healing Prayer East London (Millwall)

This HPS mini-conference event will be led by Lin Button and the HPS team and is hosted by St Luke's, Millwall Church, Alpha Grove, London E14 8LH.

Nearest station: South Quay on DLR, a 10 minute walk. NB: public transport is recommended as there is virtually no parking in immediate area.

The theme is the everlasting presence of God - that God is greater than time and lives outside it. From Psalm 90 in The Message: “Long before You brought earth itself to birth, from ‘Once upon a time’ to ‘Kingdom come’, You are God”. 

Registration will be open 30 minutes prior to start times.  

Thursday evening 7:30pm-9:30pm “Before the beginning of time”

Friday daytime 9:30am-5.30pm “Before our birth”; “Our birth”; “Separation anxiety”; “Shame”

Friday evening 7.30pm-9.30pm “Our early years”

Saturday daytime 9.30am-4.30pm “Identity”; “Father’s love and listening to His voice”; “Forgiveness, gratitude remembrance and hope”


Full conference          £25

Thursday evening     £5

Friday daytime          £10

Friday evening          £5

Saturday                   £10

[Please note: it is not possible to book half a day]

HPS contact:  Becky at

Link to church website:

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to Feb 2


A one evening a week online (Zoom) training course over 3 Thursday evenings. It is suitable for anyone wishing to learn more about healing prayer in order to help others on their healing journey. As well as an invitation to leaders , prayer ministers and small group leaders, If praying with others is something you want to do but believe it is too hard or difficult this course is also for you.

Session 1: Thursday 19 January 2023.  7:50pm - 9.30pm. Hope in uncertain times: how different issues affect us and how this links to our personal history & our generational story

Session 2: Thursday 26 January 2023. 7:50pm - 9:30pm. Hope for a sick heart: dealing with the effects of past disappointments and other damaging events

Session 3: Thursday 2 February 2023.  7:50pm - 9:30pm. Biblical symbols of Hope: how symbol helps us bring healing to those we are praying with.

Each evening will consist of worship, teaching, practical demonstrations and Q&A.

The cost will be £15 per session. (Couples may share a screen for a single fee.)


Links to online training events are sent out on the Monday before each session. If you have not received the link 48 hours before the session, please check your Spam folder. If you need assistance, please email

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10:00 AM10:00

"HIDING FROM LOVE" - DAY EVENT at St. Andrew's Church, Marks Tey, Essex


10am Registration & coffee

10.30am Session 1: What do you want? - Desire

11.45am Session 2: What do you think? - Healing our imagination

1pm - 2pm Lunch break

2pm Session 3: Where are you ? - Shame Part 1

3.30pm Session 4: Where are you? - Shame Part 2

4.30pm Close of play

COST: £15 for the day. This includes drinks, but please bring a packed lunch with you. Parking is available at the church.

BOOKING: EITHER book direct by sending a cheque payable to “Healing Prayer School” to Christine Bowtell, 14 Chapel Street, Rowhedge, Colchester CO5 7JS. (Please include your full name, phone number & email address) OR click on the button below.

Click here to download the event publicity material.

For any queries please contact Chris Bowtell (Colchester) or Becky (HPS)

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to Sep 30


This is a five-day, in person event from Monday, September 26 to Friday, September 30.

The event will consist of afternoon and evening sessions only.
Timings: Monday registration 12:30pm. All afternoon sessions 1:00pm:-5.00pm. Evening sessions Monday-Thursday will be 7:30pm-9:30pm. There will be no evening session on Friday.

Costs: Whole week: £150; One day (afternoon plus evening): £40; one evening: £15.

The event will include worship and opportunities for prayer ministry.
Note: the event will be audio-recorded but will not be video-recorded or live-streamed.


Monday afternoon - God’s river of life; In the Garden; Confession

Monday evening - God the sense of all being

Tuesday afternoon - The river of healing; Healed from the father wound; Healed from deadness to life

Tuesday evening - Boundaries

Wednesday afternoon - Healed from fear; The gift of joy; Hearing the Father’s voice

Wednesday evening - Forgiveness

Thursday afternoon - Suffering; Shame; God our Protector

Thursday evening - Filled with the Spirit

Friday afternoon - Desire & Destiny; Self-acceptance; The Invitation

If you have any queries about this event, please email Becky at

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9:30 AM09:30

Going deeper with God: A prayer ministry training day in Glasgow

  • Queens Park Baptist Church Camphill Building (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The event is hosted by Queens Park Baptist Church and is open to everyone.

The cost of the day will be £20 and will include a simple lunch.


09:30 Registration

10:00 Welcome

10:15 - 11:15 Session 1 - Foundations: sense of Being

11:30 - 12:30 Session 2 - The virtue of Hope

12:30 - 13:30 Simple lunch will be provided for participants

13:30 - 14:45 Session 3 - The issue of Desire

15:00 - 15:30 Ministry time

Booking is being handled by Queens Park Baptist Church.

Please sign up using this link: QPBC - Going Deeper with God (and then scroll down the church events Calendar to 17 September and click on the event)

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