This five-day event from Monday, April 8 to Friday, April 12 will consist of afternoon and evening sessions only.
In Genesis, we read that the Lord walked in the garden with Adam and Eve at the time of the evening breeze. In Isaiah, we are invited to talk things over. In the Gospels, we read of God's voice blessing his Son, and in Revelation, we are told a voice from the throne said, "I will make all things new".
The pages of scripture are alive with the Father's voice; His roar, His lullaby, His still small voice, all inviting us into a relationship with Him.
Come and join us as together we explore how to hear Him more clearly.
TIMINGS: Monday registration 12:30pm. Evening registration 7.30pm.
All afternoon sessions 1:00pm:-5.00pm. Evening sessions Monday-Thursday 7:30pm-9:30pm. There will be no evening session on Friday.
Monday afternoon - Listening to God. How we listen and what image we have of Him
Monday evening - Hearing God’s voice
Tuesday afternoon - “Only connect”. Sense of being, connection and separation; waiting well
Tuesday evening - Self- acceptance
Wednesday afternoon - The gifts of confession & forgiveness. Blocks to receiving forgiveness
Wednesday evening - Coming out of hiding. Being authentic
Thursday afternoon - Freedom from shame
Thursday evening - Freedom from slavery
Friday afternoon - Who do we think we are? identity, belonging and becoming
COST: Whole week £180.
Per day (ie afternoon & evening) £45. (It isn’t possible to book for an afternoon only)
Evening only £20.
The event will include worship and opportunities for prayer ministry.
Note: the event will be audio-recorded but will not be video-recorded or live-streamed.