This is a five-day, in person event from Monday, April 25 to Friday, April 29. The event will consist of afternoon and evening sessions only.
The theme is the everlasting presence of God - that God is greater than time and lives outside it. From Psalm 90 in The Message: “Long before You brought earth itself to birth, from ‘Once upon a time’ to ‘Kingdom come’, You are God”.
We are really blessed to have Steve Tebb leading worship for us this week.
Timings: Monday registration 12:30pm. All afternoon sessions 1:00pm:-5.00pm. Evening sessions Monday-Thursday will be 7:30pm-9:30pm. There will be no evening session on Friday.
Costs: Whole week: £150; One day (afternoon plus evening): £40; one evening: £15.
The event will include worship and opportunities for prayer ministry.
Note: the event will be audio-recorded but will not be video-recorded or live-streamed.
Outline Programme:
1. Before the Beginning of Time
2. Our Inheritance
3. Before our Birth
4. (evening) Our Birth
1. Separation Anxiety
2. The Early Years
3. Rejection
4. (evening) Shame
1. The Father's Love
2. Confession
3. Forgiveness
4. (evening) Listening for the Father's Voice
1. Hiding from Love
2. No Longer a Slave
3. Hope
4. (evening) Desire
1. Identity
2. Self Acceptance
3. Gratitude
4. Agape meal