“Christ within, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27.) Paul calls it a divine mystery that Christ indwells us and with that we have a chest of treasures of hope . By inference we are light bearers , Christ carriers . The conference will be exploring why this isn't always evident. Where emotional neglect leads to a small appetite for God or where shame causes us to hide " our treasure " We will also look at how anxiety and fear of abandonment stop us being an anxious free presence to others. We need to come out of hiding and stop believing lies.
This event will be hosted by The Vineyard Church, St. Albans.
The evening sessions will be from 7:30pm - 9:30 pm (registration from 7:00pm)
Afternoon sessions 2:00pm - 5:00pm (registration from 1:30pm)
Saturday 9:30am - 4:00 pm (registration from 9:00am)
Wednesday evening: “Christ within the hope of glory” - Introduction
Thursday afternoon: Freedom from emotional neglect; Freedom from other gods
Thursday evening: Freedom from shame
Friday afternoon: From abandonment to hope; From anxiety to waiting well
Friday evening; Living in harmony
Saturday: No more hiding; No more fantasy; No more believing lies; Living in everyday ordinary
Costs: full event: £85, a single evening or afternoon session £15, combined afternoon and evening (Thursday or Friday) £25, Saturday (all day) £25.
Vineyard Church are handling the bookings for the event. Please click the button below to sign up.